Monday 9 May 2011

Mother's Day

"Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My Mother."

-Ann Taylor

Mother's Day for me is a time to look at my children and appreciate all the lessons that they give me.
Each and every day I learn something new about myself and about the people who have chosen to share my life.
They teach me lessons about patience and understanding, lessons about how to laugh at myself and how not to take myself so seriously. They also teach me how to live in the present moment, and be.

A friend of mine  recently blogged about 'Counting my happy' and by reading this post it made me  sit and really think about the things in my life that I have to be grateful for - the things that make me happy!

On this Mother's day entry I'll share some of the child centered things -

Giggles from a sleeping child
Kisses and hugs unprompted from your children
Snuggling up on a rainy day
A homemade card, or present
Sharing a new experience and seeing the wonder on their faces
Watching your child play without them knowing

All of these things make me smile just writing them down. I am truly grateful that my children have chosen me to be their mum, and I am grateful to, to my own mother for having taught me right from wrong, and instilled a lot of the values that I still live by today.

And, to  all you dad's out there:

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."

-Author Unknown

I thank you my husband for doing just that, and helping me raise such beautiful children.

To all you mums out there I wish you happiness and joy.